Your banking finance need can generally be discharged by any of the following products of various banks.
- Term Loans of Bank:
Generally, while purchasing machineries, factory, land and building or allied machineries such loan is to be obtained from bank. Such loan can be obtained in Indian Rupee or in foreign currency. If any term loan is running with other banks which are costing high / interest rate is high, you can switch to lower interest charging banks. The latest trends of banks are regularly observed by our company and we will be able to help to get best deal to your enterprise. Generally the maximum term loan is provided at 75% of machineries subject to collateral securities offered by your enterprise.
- Working Capital Loan / CC – OD:
Your business cycle’s day to day requirement can be fulfilled with the working capital loans popularly known as Cash Credit (CC) or Overdraft facility (OD). Generally it is to be provided to your company depending on sales and stock available with your company. Generally it is calculated as 20% of sales, 75% of stock whichever is lower subject to collateral securities offered by your enterprise.
- Mortgage Loan:
If you have not any specific / more particular use of loan, you can go for mortgage of loans where your house property, factory building, office or flat is kept as mortgage by bank and bankers will provide up to 60% of market value of property subject to your income / repayment capacity and other loans.
- Housing Loan:
If you are intend to buy lavish residential house property, it is always best to go for this option. Bankers generally prefer to fund 90% – 150% of document value of house subject to your income / repayment capacity and other loans.
- There are other products also like private equity, IPOs, Factoring, Bill Discounting, Commercial papers, Forfeiting such can be suitable for your enterprise but the same can be suggested by us only after personal discussion and verification of your financial statements.
- The procedure for obtaining finance is as follows:
- Kindly fill our basic information sheet which can be downloaded from:
- Submit the basic information sheet including required documents mentioned in that to our office, our staff will make detailed project and will contact you for signatures in various forms.
- After the form being signed and submitted, the bankers will visit your enterprise.
- After due satisfaction and comfort of banker, they will process your loans and issue the sanction letter.
- All the conditions of sanction letter will be verified by us and forwarded to you for your verification.
- If all the conditions of sanction letter are comfortable to us the disbursement of the loan can be taken.